Making Love Retreat

With Janet McGeever

Making Love Retreat

With Janet McGeever

Where mindfulness meets Making Love

This retreat is described by some as

“a coming home”, “a spiritual honeymoon”, and “a reawakening to love”.

Couples feel the impact whether they are together for three years or thirty years.

Making Love Retreat

At the Noosa Springs Spa Resort


View the pricing and venue details by choosing a date below.

May 18-25 2025 - bookings closed
Oct 5-11 2025 - bookings now open

* Please note: there is no nudity or demonstrations in this Retreat.

The Making Love Retreat is a 6 day live-in boutique retreat for couples in Noosa, on the Sunshine Coast, Qld. 

The Making Love Retreat is for couples who value their relationship, want an authentic deeper intimate connection with each other, without closing down or compromising themselves.

The Retreat has been running in Switzerland for almost 30 years by the originators, Diana and Michael Richardson, and has helped thousands upon thousands of couples improve their intimate relationship, heal their past and reconnect them so they are on the same page. It is a tried and true approach that works for all couples, from 18 into their 80s from all walks of life.

“In this 6 day Retreat a couple is given a completely new insight into sex, and its function within a relationship. Most of the unhappiness experienced in love has its source in dissatisfaction with sex. When the real truth about sex is clarified, sex becomes a potentially healing force and not a potentially disruptive one.“

Diana Richardson, creator of The Making Love Retreat®



"I was frustrated and helpless regarding sex in my marriage. Now with this teaching I feel inspired, empowered and excited to be the lover for my wife that she truly needs to find healing, ecstasy and orgasmic bliss in nurturing love.

Through slow sex, I can heal my pattern of feeling 'not good enough’. Sex and being a confident lover were major missing pieces of my puzzle. I feel at peace, at home and centered. We now make beautiful love instead of trying to have sex."


slow sex confident lover

Learn how to...

  • COMMUNICATE - Introduce and learn new ways to authentically communicate with your partner on a deeper, more intimate level.

  • LET GO - Men can let go of the burden of performance or expectation to play a role of 'what a man is meant to be'.

  • RECONNECT - Women reconnect with their bodies and find a new place of safety and trust. An inner femininity arises naturally.

  • TRANSFORM - Gain new insights and understandings into female/male sexuality and how it can transform your relationship.

  • RELAX - Learn ways to relax around sex and lovemaking that will transform how you show up in life itself.



For couples who want...

  • CONNECTION - a deeper, more loving authentic and tender connection with your partner.  

  • ALIVENESS - more aliveness and more passion in your relationship with a clear, simple, and accessible way of understanding male/female sexuality. 

  • TRUST - increased trust between you and in how your female and male body functions during the many phases of your relationship and as you age. 

  • CONFIDENCE - deeper relaxation and insight around sex and being able to feel more confident in the whole sexual exchange, and also what you can share with your children about sexuality. 

  • HEALING - the possibility to heal past traumas and fears associated with sex and the body.


What a week, so beautifully presented and constructed. The safe and supportive environment that was created is truly amazing. It allows for deep personal growth within the language of love.


I learned to Love and be Loved more deeply than I could have ever imagined.


I now SEE with love, rather than just looking.

I now HEAR with compassion, rather than just listening.

I now FEEL with sensitivity, rather than just craving sensation.


The personal transformation I feel is influencing my entire life, as well as the way I now show up in the world. I have become the strong, loving, vulnerable but masculine man my wife has always deserved.”

- Paul, 59

What to expect at the Making Love Retreat...

You and your partner will experience 6 nights and days receiving clear guidance in a whole new revolutionary teaching about making love. You will discover new ways of being together and explore loving ways to deepen your connection.

The retreat is a supportive and private environment to allow you the time and space to not only learn, but to integrate this understanding into your relationship through experiential exercises and key teachings every day in a relaxed learning environment.



Hear from Nathalie and Ian

For women, you’ll get to reconnect with the feminine force that naturally resides in your body and find a new place of safety and trust.

For men, you will be able to let go of the burden of performance, understand, appreciate and integrate your role as a man, and learn to connect more with love. Things that were problems in the past tend to become insignificant with this new understanding.

What the Making Love Retreat isn't...

  •  group sex romp naked in the group room!
  •  partner swapping exercises
  •  sharing your deepest secrets with a bunch of strangers
  •  a teaching about techniques to move energy here and there
Yes we need this
Janet McGeever The making love retreat

JANET MCGEEVER | Australian teacher of The Making Love Retreat. Accredited with Diana Richardson, Pioneer of the Slow Sex Movement

Hi, I'm Janet McGeever.

Never on this earth as a dedicated catholic girl in the 60's and 70's could I have ever imagined that my profession would involve sex education!

What I teach here is a simple, loving, and natural approach to intimate relationships. I share how to engage with your heart and body to bring about a level of presence and awareness that simply can't be found in the mind. No matter your struggles, I've seen couples transform right in front of my eyes when they are just taught a few simple keys for the connection.

As an educator, speaker, psychotherapist and author, I am passionate about educating and facilitating women and men to create meaningful and loving relationships in their lives. I am known for my ability to create a safe space for my clients and participants, especially in the sensitive realm of sexuality. Having taught Tantra since 2009, I have facilitated the Making Love Retreat since 2012 and plan to do this important work for many years to come. Based on feedback from the couples who've attended, I think of it as a calling.

I have co-authored Tantric Sex and Menopause - Practices for Spirtual and Sexual Renewal with Diana Richardson, pioneer of the Slow Sex movement and creator of this retreat. Our book was released in April 2018. It has been translated into German, Czech, Spanish, and French.

I was given the opportunity to present a talk about 'Making Love' at TEDx Noosa in 2013. It was considered somewhat controversial at the time but as many would agree, very necessary, you can view it here.

Having worked as a psychotherapist for 23 years, I have a Master's degree in Experiential and Creative Arts Therapy, and have trained extensively over this period in many approaches including body-oriented psychotherapy, trauma-informed emotional process work, and Attachment theory in Adult Relationships and so much more.

My work is very much somatically based - that is, 'through the body', bringing acute awareness and sensitivity to the body and being, and working in very subtle and incremental ways to invite change.

I am profoundly touched by the men and women who come to me for one on one private work or retreats. I think it is the greatest privilege to be entrusted to support others and witness their transformation, their tender vulnerability, and opening of the heart with the most intimate and confronting of things - sexuality.

And I've been there too. I've been vulnerable, been to places that were not easy places to be. But I've come through.

I am also assisted by Jodie White, who has assisted at The Making Love Retreat for the past 8 years. Her dedication to this retreat is second to none. Her sensitivity to the group is profound and I am so grateful she is by my side.

I'd be honoured and humbled to support you on this Retreat journey.

If you'd like to arrange a free 30-minute Zoom chat with Janet to meet her and find out more, click here.

More about Janet

The processes are simple, yet powerful. Anybody and everybody should have access to this. It's a reframe of making love.

If you only do one retreat in your life, do this one. Whatever resistance or fear you have about attending, take the step. You will be safe and it is life-changing. There is nothing to lose and a whole lot of love to gain.

- Patricia Schutt, 38

A message from Diana:-

"Having first met Janet as a student in 2008, it is a great honour to have her as an authorised teacher of the Making Love Retreat in Australia."

"I have absolute faith in Janet's capacity and ability to facilitate, guide, and transmit the information of this retreat to both genders. Having first met Janet as a student in 2008, we then became close friends, which led us to co-authoring a book on Tantric Sex and Menopause. It was in the process of this collaboration, that I came to deeply respect her insight and awareness of the subject that we both passionately teach. I could see through her contribution, that, like me, her own personal experiences had given rise to profound insights into sex, from both the male and female perspectives.

Diana Richardson

Janet is a person of exceptional understanding and compassion, and our connection and exchange over the years has been both personally and professionally very enriching for me.

In Europe this retreat has been running since 1993, with a steadily increasing number of participants - all report positive benefits to their love relationship. I hope that all Australians and those from nearby nations take advantage of this retreat being offered in Australia and facilitated by such a dedicated teacher of my work."

Diana Richardson, Creator of The Making Love Retreat


The Making Love Retreat is simple, profound, and transformational.


We have come from centuries of conditioning around sex, and generally, conventional sex only widens the gap between men and women. This retreat will help you both create a common ground for intimacy that you can return to again and again.

What the Making Love Retreat couples are saying...

life changing retreat

"I was so nervous coming into this retreat. I honestly didn't think that after 27 years together that anything much would change. Sex had become mechanical and, after menopause, painful. It was ok... functional - I had the obligatory orgasm and then ticked that box and got on with the day. Sex became less and less frequent and about 7 months ago, I just said, 'that’s it, I am not doing this anymore, something has to change'.

I had heard of Diana Richardson and happened to listen to an interview on a Podcast and was AMAZED by what I was hearing about the true essence of our sexual nature. I was outraged that I had not been taught this. This teaching should be EVERYWHERE! Every woman and man should have access to this.

The retreat is life-changing. After almost 30 years together, I was amazed at the shift that occurred in our relationship.... I have fallen in love with my husband all over again. I feel like I am exploring a whole new landscape - everything I have learned about conventional sex has been turned on its head - in the best possible way. I have discovered so much - my capacity to feel, to connect, to embody my feminine sexuality, and to receive love - from myself and from my husband - all from a place of deep relaxation and presence - WOW - a paradigm shift. I am so grateful for having given ourselves the gift of this sacred space and time to reinvent and reinvigorate our marriage. Thank you Janet for 'walking the talk', for your loving presence, faith and guidance".

Annie, May 2022

"No matter how large or small, difficult, and complex you feel the issues that are creating grief or anxiety for you are – the space provided is in no way demanding or threatening. You are free to share when you feel you want to, and you can purely sit and listen. Janet provides a beautiful space to adapt and modify in a way that makes you comfortable. It is your retreat, your own learning, and your path to love. Thank you xx"

- Tamsin, 53

"Janet's Making Love retreat was a huge breakthrough for us as a couple. A quantum shifts really. It's helped us reset our approach to each other, and importantly ourselves; in both our mind and body. Before the workshop we were really stuck in old patterns of behaviour and thinking, and the time and space given in the 6-day workshop allowed us to find a new place, centred around love. If you and your partner are hesitant, but feel the need for change, don't overthink it, just dive it. Trust me, the water is warm here."

Stu, 54

"Booking “The Making Love Retreat” felt so right even though I was anxious about attending. To arrive feeling broken and scared to finishing feeling absolutely ecstatic that I am not broken is so liberating. Janet’s work is extraordinary and works in ways that I could not even have imagined. Trusting the process and sharing is gold  ♥️ "

Michelle, 52

"Janet’s programme is life-changing. It is about making love in the widest sense, connecting deeply with yourself and each other. It is delivered in such a compassionate, intuitive way, enabling all participants to feel safe and supported regardless of what is arising for them or what they are dealing with. It is truly healing for couples."

Chris, 64

"I now feel whole and healed. My narrative that I was broken has completely disappeared. I am confident in our relationship, love and the strength of our commitment to each other. I now see that our staying together through all of our previous challenges was/is a testament to that commitment rather than out of weakness or inertia. We are healed."

Tracey, 54

"The thought of attending the retreat took me right out of my comfort zone. I am very pleased to have taken the leap. Making love was not so much a physical act, but was complemented by how I could better love and understand myself as well as my partner. Our relationship is stronger for having attended."

Grant, 63

Held in iconic Noosa, Qld, on the Australian East coast.

Making Love Retreat

Noosa Springs Spa Resort.

Currently taking bookings for:
May 18-25 2025 - bookings closed
Oct 5-11 2025 - bookings now open

* Please note: there is no nudity or demonstrations in this Retreat.

This retreat is essentially, a non-negotiable for any healthy relationship.

- Nicho, 51

It's called "making love",

isn't it?

Watch Janet at TEDx Noosa

More of what couples are saying...

"There's a total shift in how much more open, loving, and connected I feel now. Letting go of expectations is very freeing. I feel so positive about my relationship moving forward, I've grown and can see further areas to continue to focus on. I feel more centred in presence in my own skin. Janet and the team are just lovely - gentle communication, thoughtful, respectful teaching."

Ben, 43

"I feel liberated, deeply grateful, and so loving. I feel connected to myself and have so much joy and self-love. I feel optimistic, deeply loving, devoted, and so fulfilled in my relationship. I realised that decades of suppressed anger have been holding me back and breaking my relationships."

Cassie, 32

"I feel 'normal' in that going through this with others puts things in perspective. Janet, you are the perfect person to teach this delicate, intimate transformational way of being. You've lived it, live it and it shines through you in every way. I absolutely believe that peace starts at home and this retreat is the perfect place to create that foundation. These teachings can be transferred to all areas of life, not just the bedroom. It has helped me truly realise who I am in relationship with - myself, as well as my partner, and the true meaning of love."

Dan, 35

"I feel very positive now. I feel validated. My experience of not being overly sexual, needing more time, soft touch and connection prior to lovemaking is now ok. My partner has changed the way he approaches me and he's more conscious of his actions and how they affect me. We now have tools to use to strengthen our relationship and reflect on what's going on in the present moment."

Female, 31

"The Making Love Retreat is so much more than making love. It is essential relationship work that would benefit any couple wanting to deepen their relationship. In addition to that, the deep personal transformation that unfolds is breathtaking. The sharing that occurs and the relationships that develop with other couples is also truly beautiful. It would open the hearts of most people."

Male, 41

"As I've aged, physical issues have added to the experience of tension and pressure and I knew this needed to shift for myself and my beloved. And our beautiful, lovely long relationship. This week has given me so much freedom to simply be with my body, my beloved, in exquisite lovemaking. And deep present loving wholehearted connection. Janet holds an exquisite space for exploration, so generous, allowing, and such rich sharing."

Amala, 57

"I have a new awareness both of where is home in my body and when I am and when I am not present. I also have a new awareness of where to come from in lovemaking. The retreat has been beautifully and sensitively presented, with great faithfulness to its origins and with great personal experiences related in openness."


"The environment was calm and sensitive with a non-judgmental presentation and delivery of intimate information. It was free to explore new emotions with my partner with surprisingly positive sensations and outcomes. The week gives couples space to talk, be with, discuss and explore each other again, without the heat of being in a new relationship but rather a deepening of love and understanding of an established couple. It's a fabulous way of freshening up sex relations and deepening into love"

Gabriele, 59

"My major insight was letting go of expectations. Slowness is a gateway to greater connection, and slowness creates sensitivity. I feel really positive now, with more loving connection. And excited about going into intimacy more settled and connected, better communication. Such great support during the week. Very gentle, and clear. Great program. Safe"

Ben, 42

"To me the retreat brought a big shift from reading and understanding to experiencing and transforming. I feel more in my body and more open and grounded for my relationship. It means a lot moving forward as our sexuality was the only area where we weren't feeling connected or satisfied everything was perfect. Janet, your experience and knowledge is a gift to the world. Do not ever stop sharing it."

Patricia Schutte, 38


"I was extremely surprised by the material in the retreat as it matched where I am in my inner experience. Something in me deeply relaxed into the trust in myself and my partner. I'm able to know deeply the love that we share is real and has led to deeper contentment, I enjoyed the program love the gentleness of both Janet and Jodie, and the humaneness allowing of what is, without judgment." 

Ian Mathieson, 63


"I feel better about myself. This loving has healed my body shame, no longer crippling. I'm content, and satisfied and feel very positive about our relationship and very grateful for the beautiful conscious man I have in my life. The retreat was a beautifully held container including boundaries. Very important work and a beautiful grounded embodied process that unfolds to support us as we navigate our protection and our pain. Thank you."

Female Psychologist, 59

"My hope for this retreat was to learn ways to connect more intimately with my wife. We leave with so much more. An enormous transformation on every level, physically more energized and relaxed that I can remember and emotionally so much lighter and clearer, mentally illuminated with new, significant releases and understandings, and insights that have transformed my awareness in a revolutionary way. Janet is such a sweet, loving, gentle yet deep, Wise, Powerful woman. It was very healing to experience such a responsible authentic, emotionally mature woman."

James, 58


"There is nothing I would want to change Janet. Your openness, your compassion, your passion around this work is so amazing. I love the gentle pace of the program, the movement, the sharing, and the teaching all built on each other to give a completely immersive experience. I felt so supported on the many times when we came to you for some direction and guidance. I felt heard and seen, cared for, and not judged. I felt loved and honoured by you as you gently but also firmly led us in the right direction. Many thanks. And a special mention to the beautiful Jodie. Your love and support were greatly felt and highly valued. Your presence in the room was felt by all."

Jenni Kerr, 62

"Fabulous program. The space felt so safe and loving always. Janet was insightful and had us all in mind at all times. I could feel her delivery was light and sensitive, authentic, personal and thorough. The Making Love Retreat is transformational, offering a groundbreaking Practical Guide to Making love in a new way. Not only does it offer valuable insight and physical support, but also emotional understanding into the nature of a man and woman and the vessel they can be to bring love to a world deeply in need of it. It's a treat and is the biggest gift you can give yourself and your relationship."


Making Love Retreat

Noosa Springs Spa Resort.

Currently taking bookings for:
May 18-25 2025 - bookings closed
Oct 5-11 2025 - bookings now open

* Please note: there is no nudity or demonstrations in this Retreat.

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